How to Make Windows 10 Faster By Replacing HDD with NVMe M2 SSD hard disk storage | Improve the productivity | For Gaming performance | Video Editing Performance | DIY
Most of of the Windows Laptops are really slow due to one reason. Its mechanical Hard Disk Drive with rotating parts and heads. If the technology is meant for the help of mankind, the invention of NVMe SSD drives is one of such help to mankind to improve the productivity. A video is added in my youtube channel (link is below), it will help you to understand the difference of HDD and SSD performance (NVMe disk is advanced version of SSD drives). NVMe disks has high rate of read and write speed compared to normal SATA HDD. Hence all applications including windows will run much faster than SATA HDD. Especially for Gaming and Video Editing.
How to clone old HDD to new NVME SSD drive :
NVMe M2 SSD is available in Amazon :